

Deacons Ministry

The Deacons shall be men full of the Holy Ghost, zealous in the service of the Lord, and of unblamable Christian Character and deportment.

Deacons Ministry

Trustee Ministry

The Trustees shall be persons zealous in the service of the Lord, and of unblamable Christian character and deportment.

Trustee Ministry

Music Ministry

The choirs in the church are organized for Christian growth and worship. They assist in the spiritual work of the Church by enhancing worship service through songs with biblically based lyrics; music and songs that bring praises to God and inspiration to all worshipers.

Music Ministry

Finance Ministry

Being good stewards of God's Property according to His Word. This ministry gives a broader cross section of the church body in making financial recommendations.

Finance Ministry Information

Sunday School

Born again believers teaching the Word of God to all persons anywhere, at all times. To lift Christ through all of our efforts, Christian growth and outreach.

Sunday School Information

Ushers Ministry

The ushers are here to greet and assist worshipers in the house of the Lord. They are available to make your worship experience enjoyable.

Usher Ministry